>And one more

30 04 2006

>As I never appear on this blog I would also like to publish a picture of Liva and her dad at the kids’ konninginnedag. As you can see I have dressed up in orange to show my respect for the Dutch Queen.

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30 04 2006

>Last weekend it was konninginnedag (or for the non-Dutch speakers Queen’s day). Being abroad this day is of course celebrated more than it would be if we were in Europe. Coming to think about it, the only times I have been celebrating the Queen’s birthday has been when I have been attending functions at the Embassy while I was abroad. Anyway, the celebration consisted of 3 different components. First there was the reception attended by 700 people. I missed this part as I had to be at home to look after the kids. After that there was a party, or as they say in Dutch Oranjebal, for the Dutch community in Yemen. They had really gone through quite an effort to make it nice, including flying down a band from Holland, Frank and Friends. Anyway this was followed the day after with the konninginnedag for the kids. Below you see a picture from the konninginnedag for the kids, that was held in the garden of one of the employees of the Embassy.

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>Morning in Sana’a

30 04 2006

>Lieke is off to Aden today and to Dubai tomorrow and the next four days. She will be attending a workshop on communication and girl’s education and we will of course miss her. However, to show her that we can survive here is a picture from the girls getting breakfast this morning. As you can see they look rather happy.

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